Saturday, March 15, 2008

Ji Yeon

Flash-Forward, Flash-Back, Flash... Gordon?

  • Let's hand it to the writers - this mixing of future and pasts is a great way to trip us up. You better bet we'll see that trick again.
  • To be fair, there were plenty of clues, including the dragon, the haircut, the oversized cell, and his pissy attitude.
  • BUT - I was still stumped, even when he said he'd only been married two months.

Dead or Alive?

  • That's the question. I say dead as a doornail, but I don't really know what a doornail is.
  • Plus: The Oceanic 6 have lied about the other passengers of 815. The tombstone could still mean Jin's back on the island.

You Knew It Was Coming

  • No surprise here - Michael is the man on the boat. Now to find out why - tune in next week!

Questions That Will Keep Me From Sleeping

  • Is the ship moving? And why is the proximity to the island driving the crew insane?
  • Is Ben responsible for the dead bodies in the underwater 815? If not, who?
  • What was making the banging Sayid said was "not mechanical"?

Moment That I'll Remember

  • Michael emerging from the shadows.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

The Other Woman

Now We're Getting Nowhere

  • Anyone else not give a flying Hurley Bird about the Juliet-Goodwin backstory?
  • Let's have a Juliet flash-forward!

Still, There Were a Few Moments

  • The smoke monster has obviously shown its face again, this time reanimating Harper.
  • We get a little reveal that shows Widmore is behind the freighter (or so says Ben).
  • Uh...

Oh ... That Was All We Learned? How About Some Questions

  • Was Harper dead (like Christian and Yemi before her)?
  • What are Widmore's real intentions for the island? I don't buy the Jurassic Park reasoning.
  • Who does Juliet look like? Ben's mother? His long-lost childhood love?
  • How did Daniel get a map of the island that led him directly to the Tempest?

Contrived Baloney That Felt Tired

  • The whole "Tempest" station, suddenly going off the handle just in time for the freighties to save the Island...

Moment That I'll Remember

  • Ben running up the hill like a twelve year old.