Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Constant

Now We're Getting Somwhere

  • Desmond is not physically "knocked out of time", he is merely perceiving more than one period of his life at the same time.
  • The first time this happened was after the fail-safe key was turned - thereby releasing enormous levels of electromagnetic energy and radiation.
  • This time, Desmond's experience was caused by variating from the Island's exit coordinates.
  • Daniel indicates that the Island is not physically "knocked out of time", they are merely perceiving time at a different length than the outside world.
  • This would seem to explain many things, including Daniel's experiment, the time of day the helicopter landed, even taller Walt - -

But Wait!

  • Didn't the calendar in the transmission room say it was Xmas, 2004? The same date the survivors think it is?
  • Doesn't that negate everything? So - confused!

Questions That Will Bother Me

  • Now that Desmond has his constant, does that mean his perception of multiple moments will end - or that he can control the effect?
  • Is it possible for anyone to control the effect and therefore affect future and past events by suggestion?
  • How can Sayid fix things so damn fast?
  • When are they going to show Ben's spy? (My money's on Michael, but something keeps telling me I'm wrong...)

Awesome and Super-Important Scene Not to Forget

  • Charles Widmore winning the Black Rock's second in command Log from the Hanso family.

The Greatest Love Story of All Time Continues

  • I cried.

Monday, February 25, 2008


Why Eggs?

  • Apparently an "egg-town" is a town to avoid because the purchase goods with perishables (ie. eggs) - who knew?
  • Locke made eggs, killed the chicken
  • Heavy hints at Kate pregnancy (requires egg) vanish when - -

Good God! Where's that boy's Mother? Let's do some Math

  • Aaron - Claire = Really Bad (Remember the fortune teller?)
  • Aaron + Kate = Dead Claire?
  • Desmond's Prophecy + Jack's Guilt + No Claire = Really Really Bad

Questions That Will Bother Me

  • Why did Jack testify that only 8 people survived the crash? What's the official version of their lie and why does the Oceanic Six need to fib?
  • Why didn't Frank, Desmond and Sayid get to the freighter? How long does it take?
  • Why couldn't Daniel remember the cards?

Lost Recommends

  • Valis, by Philip K. Dick
  • Xanadu, the movie I assume and not the musical...

Moment That I'll Remember

  • Miles and the grenade. Messed up, man.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Economist

Yeah! Shoot that guy!
  • Wait, Sayid! You're off the island. Everything's supposed to be peachy now...

Questions That Will Bother Me

  • Why is Sayid working for Ben?
  • Who was the "R.G." Naomi's bracelet referred to?
  • What's Mr. "I've lived here my whole life" doing globe-trotting under aliases?
  • Whose list are we using now?

Let's Play

  • Where's Jacob's cabin? Anyone?

Question That Won't Let Me Sleep

How does Time operate differently on the Island?

Daniel's experiment with the beacon and the watches is finally solid proof that time operates differently on the Island than off it. We saw a 31 minute disparity between the supposed and the actual arrival time. This explains a few things - like why Dharma drops were never accompanied by a plane - but still leaves the question of what time it is off the Island. Is "taller" Walt proof that the rest of the world has been moving faster than on the Island?

I have ultimately always believed that Jack and Kate are Adam and Eve, but that would mean that Time would have to operate cyclically, and that the Flash-Forwards we are seeing are also Flashbacks in a way. And this is where I get too confused to go on...

Moment That I'll Remember

  • The creepiest vet ever saying, "good".

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Confirmed Dead

Okay, Now THAT's a Premiere!
  • Anyone else think this was the mindf*ck we were expecting in the Season Premiere?

Information Overload

  • They found 815! And it's filled with dead people! But they're not really the survivors?
  • Four new characters, four new flashbacks, - sensing an - Eli - Stone - moment... [faints]
  • Polar Bear in Tunisia? Must - resist - seizures!
  • Picture of Ben in leisure suit? My heart momentarily skipped several beats...

Questions That Will Bother Me

  • Why does Daniel think that "light scatters strangely" on the island?
  • Who is Minkowski?
  • Who is Ben's spy?


  • When Miles exorcises the ghost, the picture frames turn from wood to metal... What's up with that?

Wacky Theories That Won't Let Me Sleep

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Theory

Very simply put, the four "rescuers" each represent one of the four horsemen. This is backed up by the

Red Heifer Theory

That suggests that the red cow Frank saw as he came up the hill is symbolic of the Red Heifer that in Judaism is traditionally thought to be a sign of the coming Messiah.

Moment That I'll Remember

  • Locke yelling, "What is the monster!" at Ben