Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Constant

Now We're Getting Somwhere

  • Desmond is not physically "knocked out of time", he is merely perceiving more than one period of his life at the same time.
  • The first time this happened was after the fail-safe key was turned - thereby releasing enormous levels of electromagnetic energy and radiation.
  • This time, Desmond's experience was caused by variating from the Island's exit coordinates.
  • Daniel indicates that the Island is not physically "knocked out of time", they are merely perceiving time at a different length than the outside world.
  • This would seem to explain many things, including Daniel's experiment, the time of day the helicopter landed, even taller Walt - -

But Wait!

  • Didn't the calendar in the transmission room say it was Xmas, 2004? The same date the survivors think it is?
  • Doesn't that negate everything? So - confused!

Questions That Will Bother Me

  • Now that Desmond has his constant, does that mean his perception of multiple moments will end - or that he can control the effect?
  • Is it possible for anyone to control the effect and therefore affect future and past events by suggestion?
  • How can Sayid fix things so damn fast?
  • When are they going to show Ben's spy? (My money's on Michael, but something keeps telling me I'm wrong...)

Awesome and Super-Important Scene Not to Forget

  • Charles Widmore winning the Black Rock's second in command Log from the Hanso family.

The Greatest Love Story of All Time Continues

  • I cried.

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