Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Economist

Yeah! Shoot that guy!
  • Wait, Sayid! You're off the island. Everything's supposed to be peachy now...

Questions That Will Bother Me

  • Why is Sayid working for Ben?
  • Who was the "R.G." Naomi's bracelet referred to?
  • What's Mr. "I've lived here my whole life" doing globe-trotting under aliases?
  • Whose list are we using now?

Let's Play

  • Where's Jacob's cabin? Anyone?

Question That Won't Let Me Sleep

How does Time operate differently on the Island?

Daniel's experiment with the beacon and the watches is finally solid proof that time operates differently on the Island than off it. We saw a 31 minute disparity between the supposed and the actual arrival time. This explains a few things - like why Dharma drops were never accompanied by a plane - but still leaves the question of what time it is off the Island. Is "taller" Walt proof that the rest of the world has been moving faster than on the Island?

I have ultimately always believed that Jack and Kate are Adam and Eve, but that would mean that Time would have to operate cyclically, and that the Flash-Forwards we are seeing are also Flashbacks in a way. And this is where I get too confused to go on...

Moment That I'll Remember

  • The creepiest vet ever saying, "good".

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